All ladies are invited to attend a tea following Worship on December 11. Come and join us as we sing a few Christmas carols, enjoy a light lunch, fellowship and listen to a book review by Nancy Koerber on “Five Silent Years” by Corrie Ten Boom.
Author Archives: Lisa Homan
Clearfield-Jefferson Drug & Alcohol Commission Presentations
Join us on September, 26 & October 4 from 6-7:30 pm at our church for a presentation and question and answer time following the presentation. Childcare for ages to 12 provided. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 814-765-6031
Drug & Alchol Abuse Presentation-September 18th – 6:00 pm
Clearfield County District Attorney Ryan Sayers will be speaking at Centre Grove UMC on Sunday, September 18 at 6:00 pm on local drug and alcohol abuse. A question and answer time and refreshments will follow. Childcare will be provided to ages 12. Contact the church office for more information at 814-765-6031.
Hymn Sing & Testimony Time
Join us outside Sunday, July 31 at 9:45 am for a old fashioned hymn sing and testimony time. Bring a lawn chair and a friend! We will have light refreshments following the service. Come and worship the Lord and share what He is doing in your life!
14th Street Jazz Band Concert
Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 20th from 7-9 pm in the church parking lot where we will feature the 14th Street Jazz Band. We will also be serving hot dogs and chips starting at 6:30 pm so bring a lawnchair and your friends and family for a fun evening of music and fellowship!!! Hope …
Free Car Care Clinic
Join us on Saturday, June 18th from 10 – 12 am in the parking lot as we have volunteers who will check the tire pressure, tread wear, filters, battery and fluids in your car for FREE!!! We will have refreshments while you are waiting. What a great opportunity to have a service done as well …
Prayer Walk
Join us on Sunday, June 12 at 7:00 pm in the parking lot of the church as we go throughout the neighborhood praying for our neighbors! We would love to have you come and join us!!!
Chiz Rider Concert
Sunday, June 19 at 9:45 am we will be hosting Chiz Rider for a concert. Our plan is to hold this concert outside, but will be weather dependent. It will be moved into the sanctuary if raining. We will be serving refreshments at 9:10 am as well as following the service. We would love to …
Easter Sunrise Service
Sunday, April 17 – 7 a.m. Centre Grove United Methodist Church Come and join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord! At Easter we celebrate how God forever proved His love by sending His son to die for us, then raising Him to life again. Come and Worship Him! If you cannot make …
Annual Church Picnic-Parker Dam State Park – Pavillion #3 near boat dock
Sunday August 19th at 5:00 pm we will be serving our meal. We will provide the hot dogs, buns and drinks. You are asked to bring a covered dish to share and place settings for you and your family as well as your lawn chairs. Come early and swim, hike or just sit and enjoy …
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