Join the men on Sunday, December 15 at 7:30 am for the monthly Men’s Breakfast.
Author Archives: Lisa Homan
Ladies’ Tea
Sunday, December 8 following Worship will be our Ladies Tea. Invite someone to attend Worship and stay for this special time of food and fellowship!
Hanging of the Greens Service
Sunday, December 1 will be our special service in which we decorate the sanctuary in preparation for the birth of Jesus. This service will feature many Christmas carols and readings as well as the congregation participating in the decorating of the church. Don’t forget..there is a fellowship luncheon following this service!
December Fellowship Luncheon
This month’s monthly luncheon following Worship will be on December 1. Bring a covered dish to share and stay for this time of food and fellowship. There will not be a Women’s Christmas Tureen this year so this luncheon will feature some Christmas themed events during the fellowship meal. Bring a family member or friend …
Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to this monthly Men’s Breakfast on the third Sunday of each month. This month they will meet at 7:30 am on Sunday, November 17. Come and be a part of this group!
Ladies’ Tea
All women of the church are invited to stay following the Worship service on Sunday, November 10 for a Ladies’ Tea. This is a very special time of food and fellowship for the women of our church. Invite a friend to come for the service and stay for this time!
Monthly Fellowship Luncheon
Join us Sunday, November 3 following the Worship service for our monthly fellowship luncheon. Bring a covered dish to share and stay after the service to visit with church family! Invite a family member or friend too!
Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to attend the monthly breakfast on the third Sunday of each month at 7:30 a.m. Bring a friend and stay for Worship. This is a wonderful time for men to eat and fellowship together!
Praise & Prayer Gathering
Join us on Sunday, September 8th at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary for a time of praise and prayer. All are invited to attend. Come and spend time with others praying and thanking God for what He has done for us!
Ladies’ Tea
All women are invited to stay after Worship on the second Sunday of the month for a time of food and fellowship! The next Tea will be Sunday, September 8th. Bring a friend to church and stay for this special, good time!