Centre Grove will hold an outdoor worship service on Sunday, July 22, at 10:00 a.m. (instead of our regular 10:15 time)! The service will be held underneath a tent covering in the church’s front yard. There will be music, as well as and a message by Pastor Randy, focusing on God’s “Crazy Love.” Refreshments will …
Author Archives: Randy Willis
Children’s Activity on Saturday, July 21!
On Saturday, July 21, 2012, come to Hero Quest, where children will have fun and … Meet biblical heroes Experience the power of faith in God Come to know Jesus as the ultimate hero Discover the faith hero inside themselves! This event, for grades PreK – 6th, will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 …
Continue reading “Children’s Activity on Saturday, July 21!”
Vacation Bible School!
It’s almost time for Vacation Bible School at Centre Grove! VBS will take take place Monday through Friday, July 9–13, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. VBS is for ages 3 through 6th Grade. This year’s theme is “Sky.” At “Sky,” kids will discover everything is possible with God! “Sky” is filled with Bible-learning experiences. Children …
Children’s Activity on Saturday, June 23!
This Saturday, June 23, 2012, come to Hero Quest, where children will have fun and … Meet biblical heroes Experience the power of faith in God Come to know Jesus as the ultimate hero Discover the faith hero inside themselves! This event, for grades PreK – 6th, will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 …
Continue reading “Children’s Activity on Saturday, June 23!”
Free Community Cookout on Father’s Day!
Our next free monthly community dinner will be an outdoor cookout, and it will take place on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, at 4:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy a cookout. We will also have lots of games for kids!
Service to Honor First Responders on May 20!
Everyone is invited to a special service on Sunday, May 20 (10:15 a.m.) to honor all area First Responders! First Responders are police, fire fighters, and emergency medical personnel. All First Responders from Clearfield Boro and Lawrence Township (and their families) have been invited. Come, help us honor those who serve and protect our community!
Free Community Dinner on May 20!
Our next FREE community dinner at Centre Grove will be 4:30 p.m., Sunday, May 20. We invite everyone to come and enjoy a meal with us. This is simply a way for us to say, “God loves you!” So, come and enjoy a meal on us, and also eat with friends and neighbor from your …
Celebrate Easter!
We are very excited about Easter Sunday, and we hope you will join us for part or all of the morning! This Sunday, April 8, we will begin at 7:00 a.m. with the sunrise worship service, led by the youth group. Immediately following the sunrise, there will be a breakfast in the fellowship hall. Everyone …
March Praise & Prayer Gathering
Our next monthly Praise & Prayer Gathering at Centre Grove will be Sunday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. Each month, we’re focusing on a different characteristic of God. This month, we’ll focus on wisdom. In the book, God as He Longs for You to See Him, Chip Ingram explains how a proper understanding of the …
24 Hours That Changed the World!
During Lent, the period of time from Ash Wednesday (Feb 22) until Easter (Apr 8), small groups will focus on “24 Hours That Changed the World!” based on a book and video by Adam Hamilton. Each week, we’ll watch a video segment, and then discuss it. Walk with Jesus on his final day. Sit beside …