Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

On Christmas Eve, there’s nothing better to do than celebrate Jesus’ birth at a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Centre Grove will host a special service on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24, at 7:00 p.m.!

Everyone is invited to this service which will include special music, Christmas carols, and the lighting of candles as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world!

Free Community Dinner on December 16!

December is a great time of the year because of Christmas. And, in December, we’re inviting the community to a special community dinner on Sunday, December 16, at 4:30 p.m.

There will be special activities for the kids, too! It looks to be a great evening. We hope you will spend it with us!

Everyone is invited!

Free Community Dinner on November 18!

We’ve been inviting the community to free monthly dinners for a year now. Our next one will be 5:30 p.m., Sunday, November 18, 2012. Everything is provided free; you don’t need to bring anything!

Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a meal with us. This is simply a way for us to say, “God loves you!” So, come and share a meal with friends and neighbors from your community!

This is also the last Sunday before Thanksgiving. Please join us in giving thanks to God!

Trunk-or-Treat & Free Community Dinner!

Centre Grove will host its second annual Trunk-or-Treat event on Sunday, October 28, 2012!

We’ll begin with a FREE Community Dinner at 4:30 p.m. (which we offer every month!), followed by Trunk-or-Treat from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the church’s parking lot!

This will be a great evening of activities for the whole family, especially the kids! Come dressed in your halloween costume and spend the evening with us!

Children under 14 (accompanied by an adult) can enjoy Trunk-or-Treat in the church parking lot! Get tons of candy and register for prizes!

We hope to see you here!

Centre Grove to Celebrate an Anniversary!

Sunday, September 30, 2012 will mark exactly 50 years since the first worship service at our church on Village Road!

Fifty years ago, the Centre and Pleasant Grove Methodist churches joined together to create a new church, Centre Grove. We are planning a special day that will include a slideshow presentation of photos from over the years, especially the early years. We will incorporate some hymns from the groundbreaking and consecration services.

It looks to be a special day in the life of the church. You are invited to help us celebrate what God has done and also look toward the future with hope and anticipation!

Blessing of the Backpacks!

Centre Grove will conduct a special “Blessing of the Backpacks” service on Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 10:15 a.m.

All school aged children and adults who work in schools are invited to bring their backpacks, totes, and/or briefcases to church. During the worship service, a blessing will be given for the students/adults and their bags to help ensure everyone will have a safe and successful school year!

Do you need a backpack or school supplies?
Anyone who needs a backpack or school supplies is invited to contact the church office at 765-6031 by Friday, August 24, at noon. Please let us know your name, phone number, how many backpacks are needed, boy or girl, age of student, and if school supplies are needed.

Breakfast at 9:30 a.m.!
Everyone participating in the Blessing of the Backpacks service is also invited to a light breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in the downstairs Fellowship Hall (enter through parking lot entrance). All backpacks and school supplies requested will be distributed at that time. After breakfast, we will go to the sanctuary for the blessing service at 10:15 a.m.

We hope you will join us and take advantage of this opportunity for us to bless your children and adults school workers at the outset of the school year!

Free Community Dinner on August 19!

Our next monthly FREE community dinner at Centre Grove will be 5:30 p.m., Sunday, August 19, 2012. Everyone is provided free; you don’t need to bring anything!

Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a meal with us. This is simply a way for us to say, “God loves you!” So, come and share a meal with friends and neighbors from your community!

This meal will be held outdoors, weather permitting. There will be activities for children, so bring the whole family!

Children’s Activity on Saturday, August 18!

On Saturday, August 18, 2012, come to Hero Quest, where children will have fun and …

  • Meet biblical heroes
  • Experience the power of faith in God
  • Come to know Jesus as the ultimate hero
  • Discover the faith hero inside themselves!

This event, for grades PreK – 6th, will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Lunch will be provided!

Everyone is welcome. Invite your kids, grandkids, and neighbors kids to this special event. For more info, please contact us (see contact info below).

Outdoor Worship Service on July 22!

Centre Grove will hold an outdoor worship service on Sunday, July 22, at 10:00 a.m. (instead of our regular 10:15 time)!

The service will be held underneath a tent covering in the church’s front yard. There will be music, as well as and a message by Pastor Randy, focusing on God’s “Crazy Love.”

Refreshments will be served throughout the morning, and there will be a social time immediately following the service. In case of rain, the service will be moved indoors, inside the church’s fellowship hall.

Everyone is welcome to join us for this special outdoor worship service!